food for thought about our foodGrow Your Own Food

Natural Organic Foods

Lifestyle Changes


Natural Organic Foods -Lifestyle changes happen when we begin to think more about what we are putting into our bodies.   We begin to realize that it is up to us to make the changes we want to see in our health.  Many of our medical issues can be eliminated strictly by being more careful about our eating habits.  This is one reason why we are seeing the growth of companies such as United Natural Foods, Inc.

GMO foods, pesticides, and animal food products that are not organically grown or handled, bring unwanted products into our bodies.  Humans are not mean’t to each such chemically treated products and are searching for products that are grown in a more organic environment.  The proof of this is the rise of organic grocery stores, and the availability of these products today.   To live a sustainable lifestyle, switching to organically grown products only make sense to most of us eating today.

UNF, Inc. is dedicated to sustainable living.  Companies like UNF, Inc.  gives us hope for the future.   When we realize that our planet is a sacred place and that protecting the wonderful gifts that we are provided by simply living here, we begin to change our way of being.  By eating natural foods that are free of such damaging factors in these boxed, packaged and chemically ridden products, we open our pineal gland.  The pineal gland is important to our awakening to who we really are and what we can accomplish in our lives.  See:  Wikipedia information:  Pineal Gland    – Also, please look up what effect fluoride has on your pineal gland.  This can also be found in the Wikipedia article below.   (For your convenience, I have also added a video at the end of this article. )


Part of our awakening process, is realizing how important what we add to our bodies really is.   Over the years, we have accepted the fact that our food is mostly processed, has chemicals or pesticides added and many of the natural good ingredients are removed or reconstituted.  Once we realize that how we feel, our future health and our quality of life depends upon what we ingest, our choices become more important.

For me, not only the choices of food that I eat changed, but also what I was doing as a career choice became very jobs for changeimportant to me.  Making sure that I was not doing something detrimental to our planet and the future of all of us that enjoy living on this earth, became of very high priority.  Being part of positive actions being taken for change is what I strive to do today.

My background as a recruiter for company  job openings,  keeps me interested in what companies are doing to protect our lovely planet and create a sustainable lifestyle.   Unified  Natural Foods, Inc. dedication to sustainable living philosophy, is something that I can truly respect and feel good about sharing their job openings.  The future at UNF, offers a future for it’s employees and the planet.

United Natural Foods, Inc. offers positive change for the environment and job opportunities.

Be Sure To Visit:

United Natural Foods, Inc  Career Page

We can be the change we want to see in the world.

By eating more:

Natural Organic Foods – Lifestyle Changes Happen.


Support those companies that are making changes for the better.  UNFI, Inc. is one of those companies.  Find out more on their website.  UNFI, Inc.


what does awakening meanThanks for reading.

Wishing You A Wonderful 2017




Find out more about Fluoride:  Wikipedia:  Fluoride


Information Regarding Pineal Gland:


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By Debbie Foster

Experienced Business Owner, recruiter, teacher, social worker and graphics designer. Awakened at 65 years old and ready to be part of changing our world for the better. It is all about Waking Up and then Finding Your Purpose in life. We all have a purpose in life, but we have been put to sleep by the societies in which we live. Find your Purpose and create your life - the way it should be.

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