Holiday Peaceful thinking


Peaceful Thinking

Brings Change

Can  we carry that “peaceful thinking”

with us throughout the year.

peaceful thinking

Holiday Season

Wishing You A Beautiful Christmas Holiday and A Wonderful New Year.


Peace in people’s hearts is seen very clearly during holiday seasons.  It is a time of lots of “hussle and bussle”, but the giving and loving aspects of ourselves is usually not as evident as it is during holiday periods.  It is our choice whether to continue this Peaceful Thinking into the Now of our future moments.

Learniing to understand that the desire for peace is within our own, internal operational system, creates the question,  “How do we save this peaceful, generous, compassionate, “peaceful thinking” way of being to enjoy throughout our lives or, even  just into the new year coming upon us soon.    We see the abundance of it during this particular time, but where does it go after that?

Daily living takes a toll on our “peaceful thinking”.  With the fear, anger and divisiveness that we could focus on everyday, the “peaceful thinker” must sharpen his ability to appreciate his or her surroundings and become aware at how peaceful each moment can be when we focus on each moment, individually, and the fact that we are the living experiences of that moment.  The peaceful thinker can become a peaceful creator simply by breathing and recognizing his or her own control over the moments of their lives.  The past is gone and the future has not unfolded, use peaceful thinking techniques to move through your life’s moments in a more balanced state of being.


Sharing moments of joy, love, appreciation and unity during the holiday seasons, does not need to stop when the holidays end.  “Peaceful Thinking” can become a way of life, if we decide that we want to live more peaceful lives.  Changing our thought patterns is not always easy.  Many of our thoughts are immediate reactions based on previous experiences or perceptions.  It takes a consciousness of how important our own thoughts are in what we see around us,  in order for us to experience our lives from a more peaceful state of being.

One tip that I learned from Brendon Burchard!

When things arise in your life, do not immediately react.  Follow these 4 Steps:

  • Receive
  • Relax
  • Release
  • Respond

Breathing through these experiences with slow, steady breathes, is helpful.

“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking.

It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”
― Albert Einstein




corporations are not people



REMEMBER:  Peaceful Thinking Brings Change.   


Best Wishes for a wonderful holiday season and beyond.

Thanks for reading.    D Foster and Friends.


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By Debbie Foster

Experienced Business Owner, recruiter, teacher, social worker and graphics designer. Awakened at 65 years old and ready to be part of changing our world for the better. It is all about Waking Up and then Finding Your Purpose in life. We all have a purpose in life, but we have been put to sleep by the societies in which we live. Find your Purpose and create your life - the way it should be.

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