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CTA – Arizona Mentoring 2017

Getting involved with Arizona Mentoring 2017 opportunities.


Are you considering getting involved with Arizona Mentoring  2017 opportunities?


Mentoring for many years has been the path through which traditions, knowledge, skills and beliefs have been transferred from generation to generation.  Our elders and those experienced in particular skills, beliefs and knowledge have added to other’s lives through their generosity of spirit and sharing.  Passing down knowledge to others  offers critical knowledge and education for future generations.

Humanity has used mentoring as a tool for the future.  From early skills and knowledge today, we have learned from others.  Much of our advancement in current generations comes from those that were taught by knowledgeable predecessors.  The matching of a mentor and a mentee can be magical.

Today we are facing many challenges for our future generations.  Many of our youth are experiencing lack of guidance in their lives.   Mentoring has proved to be successful in communities that have more adults available to help our children understand how to move forward in new ways, without a feeling of hopelessness for their future.

Arizona Mentoring 2017
Read More: http://www.mentoring.org/

Mentoring.org is a national organization that offers mentoring opportunities in the United States.  We are seeing the value of mentors today and statistics are showing how improvement is made when those that are experienced get involved with our youth.   According to America’s Promise.com,

“For every seven more adults in a neighborhood, there is one fewer young person who leaves school without graduating.”


My local community has many experienced individuals with multiple talents.  Our population includes over 65% of it’s individuals in the 45-64 plus range.  Payson, Arizona is a retirement community.  With such a large percentage of older individuals, our youth have a wealth of “life knowledge” at their fingertips.  Although mentoring in 2017, does not necessarily need to be older individuals, but experienced in whatever their mentoring project involves, we certainly have sources available for our younger generations.  Motivation comes from passions and there are many projects that will benefit our local youth.

School programs, “after school” and “at risks” programs can make the changes in children’s lives that last a lifetime.  Most of us have had mentors in our lives, and  realize the impact these people made in our lives.  Giving back is rewarding.  When we realize what affect we can have on other’s lives, our hearts become full and we become very grateful to be able to help others.   What is your passion?

The unfortunate truth is that funding cuts have accentuated the need for creative positive influences on our children school funding - grantstoday.  As we come into 2017, we are all searching for answers to issues facing our youth and communities today.

One solution to the problems that we are having today, might be for baby boomers and other adults  that are ready to make a difference to get involved.  As we have heard, there are many grant opportunities for our schools and communities today that are virtually untapped.  Local governments and businesses, schools and community organizations working together to acquire grant monies can bring in the funds needed to promote the mentors that want to see positive changes in 2017.  There is a need for life skills, career training, and general learning experiences, such as reading, STEM and basic skills needed for our communities to prosper.  Arizona Mentoring in 2017 can be a source that will improve our own environment, making changes for the better for all.

No matter where you live, your community may be experiencing a need for more people to be involved with projects for the success of their local children’s and community’s  future.  There are many children in need of creative, innovative, wisdom and we have many baby boomers and adults that can fill that need.  We can become part of the changes we want to see in the world when we get involved changing those things ourselves.  We can make a difference and we should, because the future depends upon it.

mentoring 2017
From: Wikipedia.org


If you are in Payson, Arizona and are interested in Arizona Mentoring 2017 in the area, please contact me at: 


 It is better to be part of the solution to our problems, than just recognizing that there is a problem.

Watch for Next Blog:  Arizona Aquaponics Programs  and Grants

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Wishing you all a Very Happy New Year!

Thanks for Reading.   Hope to speak to you soon.

Debbie Foster     dfosterandfriends@gmail.com

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By Debbie Foster

Experienced Business Owner, recruiter, teacher, social worker and graphics designer. Awakened at 65 years old and ready to be part of changing our world for the better. It is all about Waking Up and then Finding Your Purpose in life. We all have a purpose in life, but we have been put to sleep by the societies in which we live. Find your Purpose and create your life - the way it should be.

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