2017 getting involved

2017 – Get Involved!!   Mentoring


It’s 2017 – Get Involved

in projects that you love – Mentor.


We recently learned that over 10,000 people per day are turning 65 years old.  That is a tremendous amount of knowledge in many areas of living and simply life experiences.  We also are aware of the shortage of many of the skills and trades that were around not that long ago in our own country.


The Mentoring Movement,   or “getting involved”,  is happening all over the world.  Changes are becoming more evident and, many of us are realizing how we can visualize ways that we can be the change we want to see in our world.  This is a very good thing.        

2017-Get Involved!


Mentoring can work!


If you are not familiar with Encore.org, and it’s founder,  Marc Freedman, please be sure to visit the website.

You may also want to visit Generation-To-Generation.org and AmericasPromise.org.

I want to introduce you to the “Mentoring Movement” trend.  This is just what I see as a natural flow for our generations to work together to make the changes we want to see happen in the world.

Working together as a team in a Generation-To-Generation atmosphere, many of the issues that face our country/world today can be solved.  We are very lucky to live in this time of opportunity to share our differences in ideas to make it better for us all.  

Check out  a few of the current offerings available by innovative individuals with “problem-solving ideas to offer, along with the drive to make things happen.

These are just 2 of the programs competing  on


Encore.org. Website for $50,000

to enhance/estabish

helpful programs for those in need.  


Be sure to vote for your favorite and don’t forget…………………………

2017-Get Involved!


The program described below is for those families in crisis in Oahu, HI.   There is a real need for effective family service intervention to help with homelesses, children’s suicide rates, poverty, and lack of hope for this  struggling community.   Where there are those in need and the experience and knowledge of our older adults can make a difference, our hearts are drawn to those that want to make a difference.

Through the use of technology, connections can be made by the more rural or remote individuals, both older and younger.  Skype is such a great tool.  Kids love involvement with technology and our older generations can offer so much to the younger generations, including cultural knowledge, life experiences, important life skills and hope for a brighter future, with positive visions for new ways of living.

This sounds like a wonderful, much needed program for the Oahu, HI community and I wish many good things to come to this group.


Another wonderful Encore Contestant that has won my vote in the Encore Contest offers new vistas for employment for our friends that are coping with Autism.  Autism has grown in it’s diagnosis in my lifetime.  When I began working with Special Needs Adults in the seventies,  there were not nearly as many diagnosises  for developmental issues such as Autism Spectrum Disorders and Developmental Disabilities Disorders.  Most recent info from CDC  (2012)

My first job at The Center in Houston, Texas made me realize how important  being productive really is to us.  When people are proud of the work they do, they smile.  Being part of making this happen in an individual’s life, is one of the most fulfilling jobs one can do.

Because it is important for us to feel valuable,  productivity and appreciation for a job well done, makes us happy.  The following Job Placement program really touches my heart, as I have seen what such wonderful programs can do individually and in group situations.

Bravo to these great Contestants, with such great ideas to provide successful employment opportunities to enhance the lives of these very special individuals.  Good Luck!


Be sure to visit the Encore.org  Show Case Page and vote for your favorite program.

2017-Get Involved


Vote for the great ideas that you believe will make a difference.  $50,000 is a wonderful amount to start creating new ideas for local communities.  With a desire to be of service, make positive changes and working together (generation-to-generation), we can make the difference we want to see.

Do you have ideas?  Are you ready to get involved?  Baby Boomers do have opportunities to create new opportunities for creating the changes we want to see in our world.  As Mr.Freedman said, living your own legacy is something that is possible when we begin to think outside the “old boxes” we have been experiencing.

Find out more at the websites mentioned above.  Talk to others that have the same desires to see positive changes.

Make a difference where you live.

2017-Get Involved.



Thanks for reading.

Best of Luck Always.

D. Foster

Be sure to check out the following article from JobOpportunitiesConnect.com regarding The Center-Houston Texas – Happy Workers

Education and Career News – News About Apprenticeships (President Trump), Education (AZ Governor Ducey) and Mentorships (Marc Freedman from Encore.org)

Aging Population- The Good News – Interview with Marci Alboher – Encore.org

Over 50 – A New Way To Work  – Marci Alboher – Encore.org

When we begin to understand that with what we know and the technical expertise that our children have to offer, the possibilities become endless.

How many times have you thought about a great idea, but did not act on it.

 It is through ideas that change comes.   I once heard that you would not be given ideas if it was not possible for you to create them.   🙂




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By Debbie Foster

Experienced Business Owner, recruiter, teacher, social worker and graphics designer. Awakened at 65 years old and ready to be part of changing our world for the better. It is all about Waking Up and then Finding Your Purpose in life. We all have a purpose in life, but we have been put to sleep by the societies in which we live. Find your Purpose and create your life - the way it should be.

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